Cairo | TicketBarato
As you fly into to Cairo, Egypt one will be left speechless as they look out the window and see the contrast of the setting. Out one side of the plane, you can see the vast arid desert which seems to be never ending; out the other side of the plane you see a busy city which looks like a modern day Oasis. Travelers from all over the world have been marveling at Egypt 's wondrous antiquities for thousands of years. Although these antiquities still exist today, a visit to Cairo , Egypt is more than an immersion into the past but also encompasses many modern day amenities which anyone will be sure to enjoy.
Just walking around downtown and in the older residential parts inside the wall of the city where craftsmen work on the sidewalks outside their homes is also a real pleasure. It is easy to meet real Cairenes that are eager to discuss anything with you. Some of them try to lure you into their carpetshop; others are really interested and interesting to talk with. If you are hungry make sure to try the most popular Egyptian dish, Koshray. Koshray is a traditional Egyptian meal that consists of a delectable combination of macaroni, spaghetti, rice, black lentils, chick peas, garlic sauce and a spicy tomato chili sauce, all topped with fried onions.
Cairo,historical and unique city, combinds old city and modern city. I enjoyed a lot travering around this city. One of the most surprising things for me, a Japanese traveler, is the price which is not fixed from taxi to a bottel of water. So I had to ask the price first and start negociating for discount. To me who traveled many countries, people in Cairo is the hardest negociator for free travelar. I was very tired. But still, Cairo is worth to go, I think, because of its historical heritage.