Mendoza | TicketBarato


Mendoza is the most important city of the West of Argentina. Set at the foot of the Andes mountains at an altitude of 760 meters, it is only 200 km from Santiago in Chile.The city was founded in 1561, and although this is not an Earthquake free zone, there are quite a few historic buildings of interest in the centre. The Ruinas de San Francisco mission in the Ciudad Vieja, the Museo Fundacional and the Parque San Martin are main attraction in town.

On saturdays you should visit the Plaza Espana, where a artisans market is held. For a cup of coffee, choose one of the sidewalks terraces on Avenida San Martin. Around Mendoza there are many wineries one can visit. Other interesting options around are skiing in los Penitentes or a visit to Uspallata to explore the mountains or to the Aconcagua on the Chilean border to have a look at South America's highest mountain the Cerro Aconcagua.