El Salvador | TicketBarato
Once known as the coffee republic, El Salvador is the smallest country of Central America, and has the highest population density. In the 1980's it was ravaged by a bloody civil war between the government and the guerillas, which tore the whole country apart in civil strife. Since then, it has made considerable progress and it is a quite stable country now. El Salvador got its independence from Spain in September 15, 1821 together with the other Central American countries.
When these provinces were joined with Mexico in early 1822 El Salvador resisted, insisting on autonomy for the Central American countries. Although there was considerable pressure it has managed to stay a sovereign nation ever since. San Salvador is the capital city. It is a modern city; the old capital was destroyed by an earthquake in 1854. Santa Ana is the second largest city of the country. It is only 50 km from the capital and lies in a rich coffee growing region on the slopes of the Santa Ana volcano. It is an attractive town with many old buildings. Excursions can be made to Lake Coatepeque and Chalchuapa.